Accreditation: Get Accredited - Part 5: Council on Accreditation Review
Following the site visit, the Council on Accreditation makes a decision about accreditation based on the Draft Site Visit Report, the Organization’s response, and the evaluation of the response.
For new applicants, the categories of accreditation status are Full Accreditation, Qualified Accreditation, Accreditation Pending and Accreditation Withheld.
For renewing applicants, the categories of accreditation status are Full Accreditation, Probation, Accreditation Revoked and Reaccreditation-Pending.
Learn more about the types of reports that the Council might require.
Granting or Denying Accreditation
The AAHRPP Board of Directors has the ultimate authority to review all applications and site visit reports and determine the accreditation status of an Organization, subject to the right to appeal otherwise provided for in these Procedures.
The Board of Directors delegates to the Council on Accreditation the role, responsibilities, and authorities to facilitate the efficient operation of the accreditation program. The Council on Accreditation, comprised of experienced site visitors, reviews all site visit reports and makes a determination regarding accreditation status. The Council on Accreditation meets no less than four times annually.
Publication of Accreditation Status
AAHRPP publishes the name of the Organization, a short description of the Organization, its category of accreditation, and the date it was accredited. In addition, AAHRPP encourages the accredited Organization to publicize its accreditation with AAHRPP. When an Organization publicizes its accreditation status, it must specify its accreditation category.
AAHRPP does not release information about an Organization that is in the process of seeking accreditation or that has been placed in the Accreditation-Pending or Accreditation Withheld categories.
AAHRPP does not release information about an Organization that is in the process of renewing its accreditation or that has been placed in the Reaccreditation-Pending category. An Organization that is placed in the Reaccreditation-Pending category remains on the published list of accredited Organizations. Once the Council makes a final accreditation determination, the Organization remains on the published list if reaccredited.
From the published list of accredited organizations, AAHRPP removes the name of an Organization placed on Probation or that has Accreditation Revoked. AAHRPP only releases information that the Organization is not in one of the two categories that hold accreditation status and refers inquirers to the Organization in question.
Certificates of Accreditation
AAHRPP issues a Certificate of Accreditation to each Organization that receives Full Accreditation or Qualified Accreditation. If an Organization has its accreditation revoked, the Certificate of Accreditation must be returned to AAHRPP. Organizations that are placed in Accreditation-Pending are not entitled to receive Certificates of Accreditation.
Display or use of any outdated, revoked, defaced, or fraudulent AAHRPP certificate or of facsimiles that might deceive or mislead prospective participants, sponsors, or other persons, is considered a serious offense with the potential for harming the public confidence in research and the research protection system. Appropriate legal action may be taken by AAHRPP based on the facts of any such deception.
Resources you may need to respond to Council requests
Instructions for Preparing a Response to Requests from the Council on Accreditation: Status Reports
Online Accreditation Gateway
Accreditation Online... Coming Soon
Highlighted Resources
AAHRPP Accreditation Procedures
AAHRPP Accreditation Seal